Buy And Sell Handbags
How much is a Birkin depends on many things including material, size, age and condition. While the Birkin comes in different hardware options, it is more of a personal preference and has less impact on the price of a Birkin. The Birkin comes in several standard sizes, Birkin 25, Birkin 30, Birkin 35 and Birkin 40. The smaller Birkins are limited editions including the Faubourg Birkin 20 and micro Birkin 15 or Baby Birkin. The most popular Birkin sizes are Birkin 25 and Birkin 30. A Birkin directly from Hermès ranges in price from about $10,000 for a leather bag to over $200,000 for a crocodile and diamond Birkin. A Birkin at Sotheby's generally ranges from $15,000 for an older leather Birkin 35 to over $400,000 for a store fresh diamond Himalayan Birkin. Most Birkins sold at Sotheby's are leather and sell for between $20,000 to $30,000. The most expensive leather Birkins are store fresh with plastic on the hardware in Birkin 25 or Birkin 30 sizes. An exotic Birkin is generally around $25,000-$35,000 for ostrich and generally over $40,000 for a crocodile or alligator Birkin. A Himalaya Birkin 25 or Birkin 30 is priced around $200,000 for a pristine condition bag.
buy and sell handbags
Sotheby's has a curated selection of Birkins available for immediate purchase. The available Birkins changes weekly since bags sell quickly. Black and other neutral colored Togo leather Birkin 25 and Birkin 30 are the most popular. Store fresh or bags in pristine condition with plastic protecting the hardware generally sell the fastest. Older bags with some minor marks and exotic bags often take longer to sell. Birkins in general are the most popular Hermès bag sold by Sotheby's. The selection can change very quickly so if you see your preferred bag, don't expect it to be available for long. Birkins available on Sotheby's Marketplace are fixed price. Price ranges for a leather birkin generally ranges from $15,000 to $30,000 and exotic material bags are generally more expensive depending the material, color and condition.
Sotheby's also sells Birkins at Auction in New York, Hong Kong, Geneva and Paris. The available bags vary in each sale but auctions always have a mix of super rare Limited Edition Birkins like a Birkin Himalaya or Birkin Faubourg and more standard leather bags in neutral colors. The Hong Kong and New York sales generally have more bags since these are larger markets for Sotheby's but expect to see a curated assortment in every sale. Reserve prices are lower than marketplace fixed prices since the Buyer's Premium is added to the hammer price. The final price for a Birkin can vary more at auction than Marketplace due to Auction bidding dynamics. A super rare Birkin can sell for a much higher price than the high estimate depending on demand. A metalic silver with bronze Birkin 25 sold for over $139,000 in 2022 Hong Kong Auction, significantly above the $98,000 high estimate.
Sotheby's Specialist can also assist in selling your Birkin. The condition of the Birkin is the most important factor in accepting your bag for any of Sotheby's selling options. If your Birkin is in excellent condition with very minor scratching on the hardware and very minor wear on the handle and exterior of the bag and clean interior, we can most likely accept the bag for consignment. Sending images of any marks or scratches to a specialist is very helpful with receiving an accurate price estimate. A Birkin that is store fresh (date stamp within the last 12-18 months) with the original plastic covering all hardware, all accessories and original box sells at the highest premium. Neutral leather Birkin 25 and Birkin 30 are the most desirable bags and often sell within a few weeks of being listed. An exotic Birkin in ostrich, lizard, alligator or crocodile generally takes longer than a leather Birkin since many buyers of these items are very particular about the size, hardware and color. There are more buyers looking for a dark neutral exotic Birkin than a bright colored bag, so this also impacts the time to sell a bag.
Birkins sold on Sotheby's Marketplace are sold for a fixed price and sellers receive 80% of the selling price. Birkin pricing is based on condition, color, material and size. The market demand for specific Limited Edition Birkins can vary since the Birkin market is pretty dynamic. Birkins are the most popular Hermès bag sold on Sotheby's marketplace and generally sell within 30-45 days for a pristine store fresh bag in leather.
Sotheby's sells Birkins at auction in New York, Hong Kong, Geneva and Paris a few times a year. A Specialist can assist you with the global auction calendar and the best location to sell your Birkin at Auction. The benefit of selling at Auction is your bag is very likely to sell during the auction, while bags listed on Sotheby's marketplace can take longer to sell. Some bags are also better suited for auction based on desirability and opportunity for a higher price. Competitive bidding often results in prices that are a premium to the market value. Leather and rare limited edition Birkins have sold for prices significantly above market but auction results can be hard to predict. More price variability isn't rgiht for all sellers and there are advantages to selling for a fixed price. A Sotheby's Specialist is happy to provide insight on auction versus marketplace to let you make an informed decision.
Sotheby's sells select Birkins via private sale in markets like Dubai and France due to limitations of marketplace. Most private sale Birkins are exotic or rare limited edition bags. Sotheby's generally doesn't sell leather Birkins via private sale.
Luxury Promise is the leading global destination for preowned luxury handbags & accessories specialising in daily live shopping experiences. Join our community & become a part of our educational & entertaining live shows from London, New York, Dubai & Singapore.Ask us all your pressing handbag questions on our live shows or browse through our daily drops on our new arrivals page, this is your one stop shop for all things preloved.
If you need to know how to sell designer handbags for cash, keep reading! I've done my fair share of luxury handbag selling after downgrading my once large Chanel handbag collection. A collection I built up after saving over $100,000.
Do some research to see what handbags in the same condition as yours are going for online. There are several websites (see below) you can check. This is a good way to determine a starting point to sell your bag. Pricing your bag competitively will also contribute to how quickly you are able to sell it.
As a result, luxury handbags like these are always in high demand, and pre-owned versions of them tend to command a high price. Sometimes they sell for the same price as a brand new bag and sometimes for much more depending on the condition and demand for the bag.
If you are selling a handbag that is a seasonal piece, keep in mind, that unless it's currently trending and in demand, it could go for a much lower price point. Investment bags are not always great financial investments.
When it comes to selling your designer handbag, there are two ways in which you can do it. You can sell via online consignment stores, or you can sell it on your own directly to the buyer. There are pros and cons to each method.
One reason to sell your used designer bag at a consignment store is how relatively easy it is. You don't have to deal with the hassle of proving authenticity, determining the price, dealing with buyers, or dealing with returns. The luxury consignment shops will do it all for you.
They'll typically send you a shipping label, authenticate your bag, give you cash upfront or at the very least give you a fixed price of how much you'll earn when they sell your bag. It's a very hassle-free and convenient way to sell your bag.
The main con here is that you'll typically get a much lower offer price for your handbag compared to if you were to sell it on your own. And this is because the consignment stores have to turn around and sell your purse and make money in the process.
Fashionphile is a popular destination with influencers. It's also one of my favorites because they have a really great online reputation and a great selection. While handbags are their main focus, they also sell designer small leather goods, jewelry, and a small selection of unworn designer shoes.
They typically respond with offers within a couple of business days and their offers are reflective of how high in demand a bag is. They will also take seasonal/out-of-trend luxury handbags but don't expect a big offer.
The obvious pro of selling directly to a buyer is that you have the potential to earn the maximum cash value on the sale of your handbag. You don't have to deal with the consignor or reseller fees, and so basically every dollar made on the bag goes directly to your pocket.
eBay is the most popular online sales platform in the world. However, selling on eBay can be a stressful process if you don't know what you are doing. The key to success here is to be as descriptive as possible, post as many pictures as possible, be clear on shipping timelines and your sale policy.
Also, avoid selling to buyers with zero, very little, or negative feedback. Before you do sell to a buyer, even though their reviews are all positive, make sure you read through their feedback to see what people are saying about them.
While Poshmark does not carry a large selection of designer goods, it's still possible to sell your designer handbag here. Again, list as much detail as possible, read buyer feedback and make sure you understand their process of handling things if a buyer chooses to return a purchase.
So my word of advice is to avoid selling your designer handbag to people or luxury consignment stores that have no feedback or negative feedback. While not everyone is a scammer and while not everyone or every place with no feedback means a bad experience, it's important to put your safety first. 041b061a72